Выставочные залы Присутственных местВ Присутственных местах пройдет мастер-класс «Реставрация кожаных элементов костюма». 21 октября участникам расскажут об основах реставрации и консервации изделий из кожи. Полученные знания можно будет использовать на практике и под руководством специалиста провести настоящую реставрацию: собственными руками очистить от загрязнений, восполнить утраты кожаных деталей и произвести обработку специальным раствором.
Лектор – Лина Богатова, специалист по технологии кожи, меха и кожевенно-галантерейных изделий, реставрации и консервации археологических предметов из кожи и кости
Когда: 21 октября в 15:00
Где: Выставочные залы Присутственных мест, 2 подъезд, 2 этаж
Билет можно купить по ссылке
Central Stadium Bus Station
Buses: 6, 15, 29, 35, 37, 47, 74, 75
Trolley-bus: 2
Metro (Underground): Kremlevskaya Station
The Kazan Kremlin Museum-Reserve is open to the public 24/7. The entrance to the territory is through the Spasskaya Tower (around the clock) or the Tainitskaya Tower (from 6:00 to 20:00).
You can park your car near the museum-reserve in a paid municipal parking lot.
No parking fee is charged on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.
Official website - https://parkingkzn.ru/ru/
On the Kazan Kremlin grounds, souvenir shops and shops selling handmade goods are working.
The Kazan Kremlin's branded shop is located at the 4th entrance to the building of Prisutstvennye Mesta. Souvenirs, children's and adult books, branded T-shirts and sweatshirts, and candles and diffusers with fragrances designed specifically for the Kazan Kremlin can all be purchased here.
Working hours: Monday – Thursday – 10:00–19:00, Friday – 10:00–20:00, Saturday & Sunday – 10:00–19:00
An audioguide is a convenient and easily accessible way to get acquainted with the Kazan Kremlin.
The price for renting an audioguide: 350 ₽ (audioguide, headphones, map)
The audioguide is available at the Kazan Kremlin Museum-Reserve's ticket office, which is located in the Spasskaya Tower.
Ticket Office operating hours: from 8:00 to 20:00
To use the audioguide, you must leave a document (driving license or pension certificate) or a cash deposit in the amount of 2000 ₽ as a pledge.
Cafés and restaurants on the territory of the Kazan Kremlin