“Believe not Thine Eyes”. Illusions in Art - Музей-заповедник «Казанский Кремль»

“Believe not Thine Eyes”. Illusions in Art

22.02.2024 – 27.10.2024

«Hermitage-Kazan» Exhibition Centre


TUES.–THURS. 10:00 — 18:00
FRI. 11:00 — 20:00
SAT.-SUN. 10:00 — 18:00

The ticket office closes 30 minutes before the Centre’s scheduled closing time.


Admission ticket350 ₽
Discounted ticket250
Unified ticket with the exhibition «“Noble Men are in a Hurry to the Court..”. Feasting and Hunting in the Countries of the East»500 ₽
Free of charge for children under 18 years old



Deceptions in art are illusory images that are so artfully presented to the viewer that he mistakenly accepts them for reality. 

Deceptions manipulate the viewer’s perception by giving the impression that a flat object is three-dimensional, the near appears far away, and the inanimate appears alive. One key feature of this «deception» is that it can be revealed with a close look.

All of the exhibits «deceive» the external reality while also fascinating the viewer with their craftsmanship.

The exhibition «“Believe not Thine Eyes”. Illusions in Art» is an interactive immersion into the world of unusual art with children’s play areas, fragrant stations, multimedia, and tactile stations. Visitors can solve deceptive objects in art through an exciting game!

The exhibition represents various types of deceptions from the 16th to the beginning of the 20th century:

  • Spatial illusions are works of art that create the illusion of space and volume, as well as the illusion of relief; they include still life paintings and figures with deceptions.
  • Imitation of works of art includes miniatures, mosaics, and cameos, as well as paintings, drawings, and engravings.
  • Imitation of objective world objects is an imitation of books, envelopes, and writing implements.
  • The illusion of wildlife, such as inhabitants of water reservoirs, plants, and insects.
  • The imitation of materials — stone, metal, porcelain, wood, fabrics.

additional information

+7 (843) 567-80-32
+7 (843) 567-80-34