The Kazan Bogoroditsky Men's Monastery Tour - Музей-заповедник «Казанский Кремль»

The Kazan Bogoroditsky Men’s Monastery Tour, 6+

Пешеходная экскурсия

60 min.


The walking tour includes a visit to the Kazan Bogoroditsky Men’s Monastery. You will learn about the miraculous Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, which has been acquired, glorified, and venerated in Russia and is one of the most cherished in the Russian Orthodox Church.

During the event, you will learn about the building of the monastery on the site of the icon’s discovery, its development, and view its distinctive architectural elements, interior décor, and basic shrines.

Duration: 90 minutes


  • Tour in Russian language

2500 ₽/for a group up to 10 persons
250 ₽/pers. in a group of 11–20 persons

Tour is available with pre-registration by phone:
+7 (843) 567-81-42

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