Guided tour of the Annunciation Cathedral - Музей-заповедник «Казанский Кремль»

Guided tour of the Annunciation Cathedral, 6+

Экскурсия по музею

Annunciation Cathedral History Museum

60 min

The Annunciation Cathedral in Kazan Kremlin is Tatarstan’s oldest church as well as the city’s oldest building. From Ivan the Terrible’s time until the Revolution, the church served as a cathedral and was regarded as the province’s religious centre. Almost all Russian emperors, many prominent cultural figures, and some modern politicians have paid visits to the cathedral over the course of nearly five centuries.

On the tour, you will learn about the history of the cathedral’s construction and the spread of Orthodoxy in the Kazan region, as well as the role of the Annunciation Cathedral in the destiny of the Russian state. You will also learn how to read Orthodox church iconostasis and the meaning of symbols in Christian culture. 

Tours are available daily at 11:00 and 15:00.

Pre-registration for the tour by phone: +7 (843) 567-81-64

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