Thematic Tour «Expedition to the Lost Worlds» - Музей-заповедник «Казанский Кремль»

Thematic Tour «Expedition to the Lost Worlds», 6+

Экскурсия по музею

Tatarstan’s natural history museum

30 min.


The tour will take you through six halls on the museum’s second floor. Participants will play the role of palaeontological scientists, who study extinct worlds. Moving from hall to hall, they will trace the major stages of vertebrate evolution, beginning with brush-finned fish and ending with the appearance of man. In each hall, participants will discover new information and answers to numerous questions. How fossils form, how fossil organisms’ appearances are restored, how palaeontological excavations are conducted, how teeth help in the search for relatives, what birds and dinosaurs have in common, and why the latter became extinct. Throughout the tour, participants will be able to apply their knowledge of the world around them and understand how they assist scientists in reading the pages of the planet’s stone chronicle.

For individual visits (from 1 to 10 persons) — 2500 ₽

For organised groups (from 11 to 20 persons) — 2000 ₽

When taking a guided tour, you must purchase admission tickets to the museum.

Registration by phone:
+7 (843) 567-80-37
+7 (843) 567-80-35

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